Short Description

The main aim of the Gamify Your Teaching project was to support the professional development of vocational competences of teachers and trainers of entrepreneurship and to enhance ICT teaching through an innovative pedagogy and approach to teaching with the use of gamification.The activities were based on specific research carried out by partners and external experts in the area of social research. The research took place in order to find out what are the game requirements such as the level of ICT competence of VET teachers and general characteristics of the game. As a result of this, a Needs Analysis Report was produced and was the base for the creation of the game and the learning materials for teachers. Additionally, a collection of case studies of successful businesses will be produced, serving as an inspiration for students for opening up own businesses.

Target Groups


Methodological Approch

Adult leraners

Technical Approach

Static Media

Certification, Validation Process


Role of Instructor

No need for instructor

Level of Digital Competence Needed





Active Involvement

Puoi, in ogni momento, dare un’occhiata al “Perché” affrontiamo l’educazione degli adulti attraverso l’apprendimento digitale facendo clic di seguito:


Le 5 proposte SAE


Teorie sull'Educazione Digitale