Short Description

This blog comes to the aid of geography students, teachers but also geographic science enthusiasts in order to fully understand the processes and phenomena in nature. On this site are posted as many specialized books (found on the Internet, scanned by author or bought from the Internet), articles with geographical theme, maps or test variants, games with a geographical theme or other geographical links. The blog is trying to address geographic issues, meaning everyone without rigidity or heavy terms. Who wants to document in detail, understand without too much headache the geographical processes that affect it or just want to test their general knowledge (solving tests or playing games), to follow the links on the page.

Target Groups


Methodological Approch


Technical Approach

Interactive Media

Certification, Validation Process


Role of Instructor

No need for instructor

Level of Digital Competence Needed





Active Involvement

You can, at all times, take a look at “Why” we approach adult education through Digital Learning, and “What” are the SAE proposals without following any of the proposals above, by clicking below:


The SAE Proposals


Theories on Digital Education