Short Description

Even if you’ve never used any kind of productivity software before, Padlet is familiar and fun. From spreadsheets to selfies to Spotify, takes care of your favorite links and uploads. Makes content as beautiful as you are. No design experience necessary. You can publish your best work, and protect your innermost thoughts. Whether blogging, bookmarking, or bolstering discussion, no need to look elsewhere. You can integrate Padlet with other apps, or go old-school with paper. It is less embarrassing than Facebook, less buttoned-up than LinkedIn.

Target Groups

General public

Methodological Approch


Technical Approach

Interactive Media

Certification, Validation Process


Role of Instructor

No need for instructor

Level of Digital Competence Needed





Active Involvement

You can, at all times, take a look at “Why” we approach adult education through Digital Learning, and “What” are the SAE proposals without following any of the proposals above, by clicking below:


The SAE Proposals


Theories on Digital Education