Toolkit E-Inclusion

Open & Distance Learning Center Calarasi



Rating level

Regional level



The recipients were trainers, teachers, educators in the field of adult education as well as technicians and managers of social and cultural services in the various territories. The contents inserted in it were organized in a clear, intelligible way for the final recipients.

The E-Inclusion Toolkit aims to communicate, to those who have not been part of the path, the working methods adopted, the “classes” of computer and digital literacy built, the results produced by practical experience.

Transdisciplinary Guide 2015

School Inspectorate of the Municipality of Bucharest



Rating level

Regional level



Target Group: Young people who have dropped out of school, from disadvantaged backgrounds or from migrant families, teacher trainers

The qualitative tool used is the Transdisciplinary Guide 2015 that was developed through the “Education – A Chance to Access the Knowledge Society” project. This tool is presented to beneficiaries through digital ICT tools. Teachers have been trained to implement this guide. ICT tools are considered to be very useful in learning for these vulnerable young people, representing an alternative to traditional tools. Each of the chapters contained in the document has the following structure: the presentation of activities / activities to fill in the missing knowledge / evaluation activities. The five chapters included are: Back to School; People and places; Hobby and Free Time; A Healthy Life and Private Budget.


School Inspectorate of Calarasi County



Rating level

Regional level



Target Group: Children and parents involving them all together in a learning path

Parents and children together will realize multimedia e-learning paths, enriching their knowledge and acquiring new strategic competences. The learning path will be organized through an On-Line Learning Game that will involve the users on the community activities. Here players will have the opportunity to meet, to play, to challenge and to build up a common work. In the first step children become teachers and the parents students. Purpose of the game will be sharing ICT competences to “deal with” the tools and features of the game.

Open Badges

Mozilla Foundation


Since 2012

Rating level

European level



Target Group: Open Badges are for everyone to recognize skills gained through a variety of experiences, regardless of your age or background. They allow you to follow your interests and passions and unlock opportunities in life and work by standing out from the crowd.

Open Badges are visual tokens of achievement, affiliation, authorization, or other trust relationship sharable across the web. Open Badges represent a more detailed picture than a CV or résumé as they can be presented in ever-changing combinations, creating a constantly evolving picture of a person’s lifelong learning. Any individual or organization can create an Issuer profile and begin defining and issuing Open Badges. Any entity that can be described with a name, description, URL, image, and email address is a possible candidate to become an Issuer. To issue Open Badges you need a technology platform that supports the Open Badges Specification.

Digital Skills Accelarator

European E-learning Institute – EUEI


Since 2018

Rating level

European level



Target Group: everyone speaking the available languages (EN, ES, PL)

The Self Assessment Tool will provide the user with an overview of their own digital competences in line with the DigComp Framework. It will highlight the competences in which the user is strong and motivate them to work to improve the digital skills in which they are weaker! The tool is closely aligned to the major EU research project, DIGCOMP, deriving from the European Parliament’s inclusion of digital competence, as one of the eight core competences for lifelong learning.

Towards my professional future

Jesús Vicente and Barberá Blasco(Educational counselors and Educaweb Award winners)



Rating level

National level



Target Group: VET adult learners who intend to access the labour market but need to develop appropriate skills to manage their professional career

Guide to reflecting on personal aptitudes and soft skills in order to set an action plan which boosts the candidate’s employability. Personal inventory and SWOT analysis.

MOGEA (materiales educativos del Instituto de Educación a Distancia de Andalucía – didactic resources of the Distance Learning Institute of Andalucía)

IEDA (Instituto de Educación a Distancia – Distance Learning Institute)


2009 until present

Rating level

Regional level



Target Group: Their primary target are adult learners who want to attain a Secondary School certificate or a VET Diploma. Additionally, teachers and the general public can take modern language courses and obtain a CEFR-based certificate. The contents are aligned with the Spanish curricula, and all the diplomas obtained are recognised across Spain.

The E-Inclusion Toolkit aims to communicate, to those who have not been part of the path, the working methods adopted, the “classes” of computer and digital literacy built, the results produced by practical experience.

Plataforma de Autodiagnóstico de Competencias Digitales

Andalucía es Digital



Rating level

Regional level



Target Group: Citizens, Small companies, entrepreneurs, local administrations

Yes/No type questions – Multiple choice – Single choice – Image choice – Scales – Drag and drop – Pair – Order – Simulators | Tutorial while doing evaluation | Badging system and progress

Digital Skills Accelator




Rating level

Europena level



Target Group: Citizens

Quizz model divided into 5 diferent topics | Result Graphics | Comparaison with other students | Final tips


Greek ministry of education,research and relegious affairs



Rating level

Local level



Target Group: teachers and students

Integrated tool for the development, design, writing, evaluation and presentation of digital interactive teaching scenarios in a modern and functional environment

E-TRAINERS: methods and tools for digital teaching

Apro Formazione S.c. a r.l.



Rating level

European level



Target Group: teachers and students

This is an online training course on three methods that will help teachers and professionals who work in various capacities with young people to prepare and develop their educational activities better thanks to the use of digital technologies. A coaching service is available to support users in using the methods and tools learned during the course. The course presents 3 modules on: use of videos as a teaching method (GUIDE FOR STUDENTS IN THE CREATION OF DIGITAL CONTENT) teaching methods for the main transversal skills (DEVELOPING THE CAREER AND LIFE ABILITIES OF YOUR STUDENTS) critical use of the Internet (BECOME A DIGITAL AND SECURE TEACHER)